Monday, November 07, 2005

Self Publishing, pdf and pre-selling

I recently answered a question that someone had about using pagemaker or another program to format her book in. She also asked about pre-selling. Hopefully, you will find it helpful.


I don't know anything about page maker. Do you have MSWord or WordPerfect or something similar? I believe you can produce your document in those programs and convert it to pdf. I know you can in Word. Adobe has an online service for converting up to 5 documents into pdf format for free or use a free program called pdf995.
The best place to get information on how to format etc, is from Dan Poynter. There is a bonus call recorded from the last product factory. Listen to it, but also get his book "The Self Publishing Manual". Another excellent book that Dan has out is "Writing Nonfiction: Turning Thoughts into Books". Both are excellent.

Also visit his website at - he has lots of free tools. The call also spoke of a template (he gives you the link to get it - free).

I discussed this at length with a friend who just came out with her book. She is sorry she did not follow more of the advice laid out in the book, especially when it comes to getting a editor. One cannot possibly see what they have written. I totally agree with that one...we are just too close to it and our minds see what we want to say, not what we've written.

As far as pre-selling, you can do that easily (easy is relative). I'm working in this right now as I have a chapter in a book coming out in December. It goes to print this week, and I just got the final mms this weekend. So if anyone else has suggestions...I'm all ears.

Things to consider:
  • Discount the price
  • Offer free shipping
  • Offer the ebook as a bonus so your customers can have a digital format now and the physical book when the printing is done.
  • Offer other bonuses with the book
  • Consider doing a teleclass as a bonus to discuss certain principals or aspects of the book to those who purchase pre-publication.
If the book is not yet completed, you can start with an e-course, first chapter, etc. I understand that Stephen King put out one of his books in digital format, chapter by chapter. I'm not even sure if the hard cover book was ever published.

Hope this helps,

Barbara C. Phillips, NP


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